November 1, 2016
Vege diet allies, or the impact of exotic plants on weight loss
Many of us dream of a slim, athletic figure – the pursuit of ideals is not always a bed of roses. It is hard work that requires following a restrictive diet plan and pouring litres of sweat in the gym.
Daily chores, house-keeping and work make us drift away from the desired goal. We try to make a difference by starting ever new diets advertised on trendy websites. We buy another pack of diet pills and starve while waiting for a miracle to come. This, unfortunately never happens and the troubles resulting of unskilful weight loss, keep us awake at night: hair loss, split nails, trouble with the complexion and, in this case justified, decline of mood and motivation. The truth is that many weight loss diets proposed by the Internet "experts" do bring quick and easy results, but the kilograms lost this way, often come back with double force as a yo-yo effect.
A slimming diet should have less calories than our daily requirement for energy – we call it a negative caloric balance. A healthy weight loss is one that we start by reducing our energy demand by 500-1000 kcal. If we follow this rule and practice regular physical activity, our weight should gradually decrease.
The key to success in effective weight loss is based on eating healthy, unprocessed products, and the total exclusion of such products as sugary drinks, snacks, sweets and alcohol. In addition, we minimise the intake of animal fats and white bread made with processed flour. We replace them with whole-grain bread baked with coarse-ground flour. It is rich in B-group vitamins and dietary fibre, which has long been an ally of people trying to get rid of extra kilograms. The dietary fibres is widely discussed, but do we know what it really is?
Dietary fibre stands for broadly defined ingredients of plant origin eaten by humans. It can also be used in the form of dietary supplements under the name of vital fibre. The general term "fibre" also denotes complex carbohydrates which are not digested by humans, but are fermented in the colon, acting as a kind of medium to the natural intestinal flora. Many studies run around the world indicate the important role of dietary fibre in the prevention of lifestyle diseases, which can include obesity, diabetes, hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The appropriate amount of fibre in your diet regulates the circadian cycle of bowel movements and prevents constipation.
Persons who are dieting are recommended to consume high-fibre meals. Why? Healthy meals, which contain a lot of dietary fibre occupy a lot of space in our digestive system, while maintaining its low calorie level. Recently, more and more can be heard about glucomannan. It is a water-soluble fraction of dietary fibre. Glucomannan, when compared to other kinds of fibre, is the one which can bind large amounts of water to form a kind of gel. This fibre is then an ally of all people on a diet, because when bound with water it increases its volume several times, giving the feeling of satiety. Glucomannan does not occur naturally in the plants we usually eat. It is obtained from Amorphophallus Konjac, a plant of Asian origin. The use of this type of fibre is very effective if you eat it regularly and sip plenty of water. The European Committee for Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved its effectiveness when taken 1 g three times a day, half an hour before a meal and drunk with at least a glass of water.
Garcinia Cambogia is another beneficial plant, although it doesn't contain dietary fibre. It's another plant-friend of all who struggle with excess weight. Food supplements which contain the extract of this plant are very popular and effective in the fight against obesity and being overweight. The active effect of the extract is possible due to the high concentration of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in Garcinia. This acid affects lipid metabolism by inhibiting the synthesis of its carbohydrates and proteins. The result of HCA action is reduced formation of fat in the body. In addition, the extract affects the increase of muscle glycogen. Worldwide studies show that the use of Garcinia Cambogia extract in 300-500 mg doses three times a day helps losing weight.
A varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as regular physical activity, are the basis for an effective weight loss process. Exotic plants, however, can help a lot in losing extra kilograms. When selecting the appropriate supplement, it is important to pay attention to its composition or consult a doctor or nutritionist. The food supplement we recommend is the NUTRICODE SLIM EXTREME which supports weight loss by reducing appetite. The supplement provides us with day and night support in weight loss thanks to its double formula. Its first part, the coated tablets are based on an innovative glucomannan supported by chromium and zinc. They also contain the Garcinia Cambogia extract which slows down the production of body fat. The second part of the formula – the effervescent tablets – complement a healthy diet with trace elements and vitamins, which are responsible for maintaining beautiful skin while dieting. The NUTRICODE SLIM EXTREME is then a supplementation system designed to lose weight quickly, but it's also a unique composition of vitamins and minerals created for all who want to lose weight in a rational and healthy way.