FM Nutricode

10 steps

Ten steps to a happy and heathy life


Each of us needs something else to be happy. We differ and that's great. "How to be happy?" – there no single universal answer to this question. There is, however, a pattern that will help us obtain peace, balance and health. Read and implement it and chances are that everything will start going as you wish. You really don’t have to sacrifice much to be truly happy. See for yourself!

  1. Celebrate every meal

Food is a very important part of your life – you cannot underestimate it. It's good to pay attention to what and how you eat. All your meals should be well-thought and varied. Eating is an act, a kind of holiness, which you should celebrate day by day. Make therefore, sure that your diet plan is varied and based on high quality products from all groups of food. Do not forget that your body needs some kind of rules. Namely, all of your meals should be eaten regularly at equal intervals.

  1. Drink a lot of water

    Pij dużo wody

Water has a very important function in your body. It is not just a building material for your cells. Thanks to water, your body works properly. It is also the carrier for all the nutrients that go into your body with food. Remember to drink about two litres of water a day. This will keep your body in optimal form and make you feel great.

  1. Take food supplements

    Stosuj suplementy diety

Even if you care about the principles of healthy eating, it may happen that your body will suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In such case, you should turn to food supplements, the main task of which is to support your body. Appropriate supplementation can work wonders! This, will not only reduce the feeling of fatigue, but also take care of our beauty and physical condition.

  1. Definite NO to intoxicating substances

    Stanowcze NIE dla używek

You are surely familiar with the feeling when you wake up on Sunday with a huge headache and no strength to live. You don't need any additional enhancement to achieve health and complete happiness! So, we say a firm no to cigarettes and alcohol! The feeling that a drink and a cigarette improve your mood is illusive. The sad truth is that the side effects, such as feeling unwell and gaps in the budget are visible only the day after.

  1. Live active

    Żyj aktywnie

Physical activity keeps your body in good shape, and the joy you get from sports can be proved scientifically. Regular physical activity – regardless of whether in a fitness club or outdoors – gives us an extra dose of endorphins, the hormone of happiness. And there cannot be too much happiness, right?

  1. Sleep well

    Wysypiaj się

No matter what your job is and how many duties you have every day – your body is not a machine and it requires daily regeneration in order to function properly. The appropriate dose of sleep – about 8 hours a day – is the foundation of strength and power necessary to enjoy live to the fullest.

  1. Set a daily plan

    Ustal plan dnia

In the daily rush and sheer volume of obligations you often forget about the things that you were supposed to do a given day. This rebounds not only on you but also on your loved ones. So take five minutes every evening and write down, on a small piece of paper, all the things you have to do the next day. This will protect you from stressful situations and you loved ones will be proud of you for being so well-organised.

  1. Share love

    Dziel się miłością

Think of what gives you the most happiness in life. Meeting your friends and family is certainly one of these things. Conversation, laughter and having fun together – that's the beauty of life. Find some time every day for your close ones and don’t be shy to tell them how much you love them. It's not much, but you will see what a nice feeling it is. And this works both ways!

  1. Remember about yourself

    Pamiętaj o sobie

Are you constantly trying to please everyone else around? Do not forget that the most important person is yourself. So be sure to find time for yourself. There are many ways of doing it, and it's up to you which one you choose. Be it shopping, a visit to the hairdresser, walking a dog or reading a book by the fireplace – it needs to be fun for you and you should enjoy it.


  1. Happiness starts in your head

    Szczęście zaczyna się w głowie

Life puts many obstacles in our way. Don't turn your small failures into sadness and don't dwell on past mistakes. Draw conclusions and go through life with your head up. Attitude is the key: everything goes your way when you think positive.